Friday, February 9, 2007

Dun Marry A Rabbit

because, if u are half like me, who believe in star signs, zodiac n the 通书, you will be miserable.


Because for the god knows how many years running, the Chinese zodiac books which are released before lunar new year, always warn of affairs for the sign of rabbit.

And dunno for how many years i been worrying, always if this year is gonna be the IT year.

And for the coming Golden Pig year, it ll be a fabulous years for all rabbits. Money good as promotion is in sight; and love good as affairs and opportunities abundant.

I was reading an article on divorce rate recently which further gave me the chills.

Most marriages start breaking up after having kids - check. (I have 2 kids, double the risk)
Average lifespan of relationship is 9 yrs before affairs begin - check (we are celebrating 10 yrs in a months time)
Men often have affairs with their colleagues or friends - check (hubby works in an ALL female environment)
Travelling men are more at risk - check. (Hubby may start travelling with the re-org)

So the scary little cat in me think this year may be the IT year....
Well, I used to think worst case scenario, I ll just walk away.
Now with 2 boys, walking away is not an option anymore.
So a bit panic cuz no exit strategy if bad things happen. darn.

Why the rabbits always kena 桃花运??? Sick!!


Blogger nomadinme said...

Not that I am trying to put in a good word for your hubby, but the rabbit men I know in my family are most loyal to their wives (really 专一). So don't worry too much lah :)

February 11, 2007 at 3:43 AM  

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