Papillion Gal in Clark Quay

But I have grown so attached to it that I have worn it everywhere, and almost with any outfit I wore. I even subliminally had my toes painted a similar shade of pink ,during CNY, which matches with the flower design on the shoes!
Of course, not all outfits go with the slippers. So I have degenerated to
1. Only wearing outfits which matched the shoes, no matter where I went (more on that in later)
2. Buying clothes that will enable me to wear the slippers
And when I started wondering if I can stretch to wearing them to the office when I start work in 2 weeks time, I know I am a nut case. But the thought of wearing anything else dis -tresses me quite a bit. I feel naked when wearing my Nine west heels or my JWest wedges. Yes, the slippers are so comfy, and quite me now.
That is bad, really bad. So I think I will need to go COLD TURKEY soon to wean off my reliance on this pair of slippers.
Last night, 2 couples, who are of the most unlikely profile to hit the Clark Quay's happening club scene, were spotted at Clark Quay late at night.
Hubby and me, and his cousin and his wife rode in their Rover to Clark Quay - us leaving our 2 kids asleep in our house and them leaving their 3 kids asleep in their (with our helpers of course). At about 11pm, we decided that we are a tad bored.
We went though the options of
1. watching movies - too many choice movies for our inebriated minds to decide on (thanks to the XO fish noodles with an overdose of XO and the Blackberry merlot that we had for dinner)
2. playing Bridge, chua dai di (again, probably too zonk to be any good)
3. checking out the club scene in Clark Quay in preparation of other subsequent weekend nite activity
So dressed as we were in our weekend casual - yes, me in my Papillion slippers and khaki pants and top, hubby in bermudas, slippers and tee, and cousin and his wife slightly better dressed than us, we went to Clark Quay to check out the joints.
It's been quite some years since I went to Clark Quay - so happening ah!
We were fascinated by the The Clinic joint and its people standing next to their drip - and then another of NJ's cousin who was having a Hen's night for a friend was there in The Gotham Penthouse and telling us that there will be a male striptease dance show at 12 MN for 20 bucks per pax apparently. Wow, Singapore so open meh? We passed by a joint names One Night Stand with life bands and shows - and amazingly Kid's Menu.. making Yvonne wonder what's with the kids menu... Imagine the kids saying "We want One Night Stand!".. duh..
And I notice that all the joints are furbished in similar themes - the Art Decoratif and Gothic themes in decor are in - clearly manifested in the dark wall papers with brilliant motifs and the Gothic chandeliers of all kinds. So the minimalist fad is now gone.
So quite under-dressed we were, but I figured age has enhanced our confidence such that we don't feel awkward roaming around the happening place with people in all their fancy garb.
And then feeling hunger pangs, we went Geylang to check out the makan scene there in addition to the night scene. It was a normal night for me again.. back in civilization.
These stolen hours are all the more precious because they are stolen, and downright wicked because we were able to abdicate our duty as parents for those few hours.. YOOHOO!! Clubs and joints soon we come!
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